Family Program
Our family program offers three classes each week in which parents, chilren, siblings, or any family member can learn and practice TaeKwonDo together – and simply have fun together. Participation in this program can complement, but does not require, individual family member participation in other Flying Kick programs. A student may join his or her family in class once each week and attend rank-assigned classes during the remainder of the week. This type of arrangement allows a family member to benefit from rank-specific instruction within an appropriate age group, and it enables the whole family to share tips learned from different groups throughout the week.
We find many parents appreciate this opportunity to become physically active alongside their children (and spouses!). Every individual participating in a family class is treated with the same level of respect, which empowers everyone and anyone; for example, a family class might create times in which kids can switch instructional roles with their parents rather than “always being told what to do.”